
Category: blog

The Importance of Web or Digital Accessibility Services

The Importance of Digital Accessibility Services and How to Use them Explore ways to make your application or website accessible to everyone with digital accessibility services. Digital accessibility refers to the creation of digital content that is accessible to everyone, regardless of age or disability. According to a study conducted by the WHO, 15% of the world’s population suffers from different sorts of disabilities. Digital accessibility makes the content inclusive, avoids legal complications, reaches a wider audience, enhances reputation, has SEO benefits, and enhances the

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Ambulatory Revenue Cycle Management RCM Services

The Benefits of Outsourcing Your Ambulatory Revenue Cycle Management Services Explore the advantages of outsourcing your ambulatory revenue cycle management services. Learn how it can optimize efficiency, reduce cost, and enhance patient satisfaction. What does Outsourcing Ambulatory Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) mean? Revenue cycle management is one of the most crucial tasks in the healthcare landscape. As the name implies, it deals with managing the financial aspects of an organization. It includes patient registration and scheduling, eligibility verification, charge capture, coding, claim submission, reports and

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Lease Abstraction Services: A Hybrid Model

Lease Abstraction Services: A Hybrid Model Simplify complex agreements, optimize costs, and learn how human expertise with automation enhances accuracy and efficiency in the real estate landscape. Click to learn how a hybrid model in lease abstraction services drives the best results. What is Lease Abstraction? Imagine you are taking a lease and come across an agreement. It has excessive jargon, and you need help finding all the important information related to the lease. When fear of being deceived starts to kick in, you feel

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How Do We Design an Article for a Journal

Some articles may be a very messy and fluid process, and words are not used correctly or are unclear. A lengthy body article makes readers feel distracted easily and discourages them from further reading. The structure is more important than the content itself, and it guides the reader throughout in an easy way. Also, structure in an article plays a vital role so that readers don’t become lost. By following structural guidelines and components in an article, readers are able to know where they are,

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Genres of Writing

The most prestigious academic journals have rejection rates of around 90%, so it is important to start applying correct formatting to the writing style of a journal. Style guides establish rules for writers and editors so they can produce content with consistency. A writing style is a style adopted by a writer to effectively convey the required information to the audience. The style to which the author adheres makes the writing unique. The choice of vocabulary, sentence variation, sentence structure, tone, and overall voice play

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Formatting Your Manuscript for a Journal

When you submit an article to any journal, it is integral to follow a set of rules to meet the requirements of the journal. This will expedite the process of submission. Also, it will ease the editing process, since the editors will not have to complete multiple rounds of editing and formatting. Formatting is how your manuscript looks and reads. As an author, when you format your manuscript, you may wish to include the materials that the journal demands in order to avoid rewriting or

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Do You Need Help Publishing Your Journal Article

Every author would like to see his/her article published in a renowned journal; however, this is not an easy task, especially for those inexperienced in the process. Journal publishing is a time-intensive and meticulous task, and journal publishers around the world set high standards when deciding whether to publish an author’s research article. As a first-time author, both the publisher’s strict guidelines regarding quality as well as the complicated journal publishing process can feel daunting. At Lapiz, we are here to guide and assist you

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Developmental Editing

Why is Developmental Editing important? Authors often struggle with their own writing. They get fascinated with their own subject without considering general concern/interest. This can apply to fiction and non-fiction writers. Some authors put their ideas as subjective—and fundamental—as plot and character development in front of someone. There will be no objective authority on how a book should work. But professional developmental book editors will examine the entire manuscript in the process, considering all aspects, including its narrative and structure. And they also look out

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Developing Your Journal Content

Developing good journal content can be relatively easy and straightforward if you follow the proper steps. All you need to do is write a clear, structured, factually correct, and brief report on your chosen topic or research study. One note to remember is that the most valuable content is original content. First Steps First An essential step in developing good journal content is to do a lot of reading on the subject. Reading previously published literature could form the basis for writing a solid journal

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